The dispersion program AUSTAL (starting with version 3) refers to Annex 2 of the regulation TA Luft (2021) and is the successor of AUSTAL2000 (ending with version 2), which refers to the regulation TA Luft (2002). The programs Besmin and Besmax (BESTAL for short) are used to determine the stack height according to Number 5.5 of TA Luft (2021). The programs were developed by Janicke Consulting on behalf of the Federal Environment Agency (UFOPLAN projects 3714 43 204 0 and 200 43 256 and UBA project 94835).
The specifications of Number 5.5 and Annex 2 of TA Luft (2021) already enable a program-technical implementation of the calculation methods on their own. BESTAL and AUSTAL provide reference solutions. They can be used for practical applications as well as for a check of other programs, which are said to implement the calculation methods according to Number 5.5 or Annex 2 of the TA Luft (2021).
Due to sporadic technical problems when downloading large files from the Federal Environment Agency server, the plume library for Besmax is alternatively provided here as a complete package, for further instructions see the Federal Environment Agency web pages: (2021-10-11, 929 MB, CRC32 C6E4D84A)